| | Confira esta atualização que você perdeu | | | | | | | Ban K. | | Secretary-General of the United Nations | | | | | | | | |  |  | | The Autism Advantage | Ban K. no LinkedIn | Patrick Viesti is an IT Project Associate at SAP, a multinational software corporation, where he has worked for nine months. He is a dedicated worker, just as he was an accomplished student, holding Bachelor's and Associate's degrees in Communications. Patrick recently took on the role of mentor, returning to his high school to give guidance to the young people there and help prepare them for professional life.He has become highly regarded not only to the students at his former school but to people far and wide -- because when he was three years old, Patrick was diagnosed with Asp | | | | | | | | | | | | © 2015 LinkedIn Ireland Limited. LinkedIn, a logomarca do LinkedIn e InMail são marcas registradas da LinkedIn Corporation nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países. Todos os direitos reservados. | | Você está recebendo e-mails sobre Activity You Missed. Cancelar inscrição | Este e-mail foi enviado para Laurinda Girassóis (professora na privada). Saiba por que incluímos isto. | | LinkedIn é um nome comercial registrado da LinkedIn Ireland Limited. | Registrada na Irlanda como uma empresa Privada e Ltda. Registro número 477441. | Registrada em: Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irlanda | | | | | |